
Showing posts with the label Action

Why shouldn't You Complete What You Started?

  The concept of leaving things unfinished can be rather paradoxical since most people are told to finish what they start in personal development and time management books.  However, Here are some reasons why you might choose not to complete something you started:  #1 Changing Priorities:  When one progresses in the life, the objectives and aims of a person also change.  An aspect that was valuable at the beginning of a project may not be of much value now.  One should always review his/her commitments and check the relevance of the commitment to the current goals.  #2 Resource Constraints:  This is usually the case because projects can be very demanding in terms of time, money or energy than what has been estimated.  If a task requires input that will be more useful invested in another area, then it might be more efficient to leave the task undone.  #3 Learning from Failure:  Not every business may succeed and it is useful at times to learn when one has not made the right decision wit

Overcoming Procrastination: Taking action

  It is the process of avoiding or delaying work or making a decision, usually to an extent that is detrimental.  This is a usual behavior which impacts the private and the working life, causing stress, missed deadlines, and lower efficiency. Here are practical recommendations for overcoming Procrastination: #1 Set Clear Goals: Specific and Measurable: Avoid setting goals that are ambiguous, thus, divide tasks into measurable, specific and achievable ones.  For instance instead of using the instruction “write a report” one may use “write the introduction of the report. ”  Actionable Steps: State specific strategies and objectives.  For instance, one has to find information on the given subject, develop a plan, and compose a rough version of the paper.  This assists in mapping the progress and ensuring that one does not lose track.  #2 Prioritize Tasks: Urgent vs. Important: Learn the difference between the urgent and the important tasks.  Important work is connected with long-term obje