
Showing posts with the label Cards

Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards: Elements of Financial Options

  #1 Overview: Credit Cards: A method of acquiring goods or cash in advance on a financial institution and paying back later up to a specified amount.  Debit Cards: Connected to your bank account, automatically debits for the transactions or withdrawal as soon as you make it.  #2 Credit Cards:  Pros:  Credit Building: Paying with a credit card means that one is establishing a good credit history and so this is important for future loans or mortgage.  Rewards Programs: Some credit cards provide extra benefits such as points, cash back, or travel rewards on the things that one buys.  Purchase Protection: Credit cards are usually very protective against fraud and charge backs and allow the consumer to dispute any charges that relate to a bad product.  Emergency Funds: Ensure you have funds available when there are catastrophes and you may not be in a position to make quick cash.  Cons:  Interest and Fees: Having a balance means higher interest charges and fees which may bring the price of