
Showing posts with the label Habit

Why is it necessary not to get angry in order to move forward?

  If possible, it is wise to prevent anger from arising since it hinders one’s development in both their personal and working life.  Here are some reasons why managing anger is necessary to move forward:  #1 Improved Decision-Making:  Clarity of Thought: One must note that when one is angry they are most likely to make irrational decisions. Failing to panic helps in the assessment of situations in a better manner and hence decision making is enhanced.  Reduced Mistakes: This is because calmness enables one to analyze the consequences that may likely arise in case of an action and thus prevents one from performing an action that they will regret later.  #2 Better Relationships:  Communication: This is because anger may cause people to misunderstand each other and perhaps engage in a fight. Anger management also assists one to develop interpersonal relationship since it enables one to communicate in the right manner.  Empathy and Understanding: Anger management allows people to view the

How to Break Bad Habits

  It is not easy to change, especially when it comes to such things as habits but it is not impossible at all.  Here is a detailed guide to help you break bad habits effectively:  #1 First of all, it is necessary to define the habit in question and its prompts:  Awareness: The first step is to define the habit that is to be changed and to understand why this habit was formed.  Identify the circumstances and reasons when and why the habit is performed.  Triggers: Determine what sets off the specific habit that one is trying to break.  These could be environmental stimuli, mood, or times of the day.  #2 Set Clear Goals:  Define Success: It is important to know what success means to you in black and white.  This could be in the form of, cutting down the instances of practicing the habit or completely stopping.  SMART Goals: Ensure that your goals meet the SMART criteria which include, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.  For instance, “Smoking will be cut down from

Why is it necessary for you to learn silence?

  It is important to learn silence for several reasons, for oneself and for other people.  Here are some key reasons why embracing silence can be beneficial:  Personal Growth:  #1 Self-Reflection:  Silence gives you time to think, feel and even meditate on events, matters or issues that may be in your mind.  This introspection may help in increasing one’s self- awareness and promote personal development.  #2 Mindfulness and Presence:   It is possible to learn to be quiet and thus, be more conscious of the present moment and the things around you.  This may make your mind sharper and more focused.  #3 Stress Reduction:  The concept of quiet time is a useful method of decreasing the levels of stress and anxiety.  It offers one a chance to free his or her mind from outside interferences and pressures, thus enabling one to have some time to relax.  #4 Creativity:  It is also a way of allowing your mind to open up to new ideas since it will not be interrupted in the process.  Interpersonal

Don't make a promise that you can't keep

  The Importance of Keeping Promises: Why ‘Don’t Make a Promise You Can’t Keep’ Is Important  Trust is one of the key components of any relationship that may occur with or without the working environment.  Promises are one of the most basic forms of trust that can be made and kept in any relationship.  This principle is well captured by the saying “don’t make a promise if you cannot fulfill it”, this emphasizes on the implication of not being able to honor a given commitment.  The Value of Promises: A promise is not just an assurance or a statement, but it means that one is willing to do something or provide something as per the assurance given.  In this case, when we promise, we are in fact telling a person that we care for them and want them to trust us and our words.  This can be especially so in matters of relationships which can be of different types such as personal, business or social.  Failing to keep a promise can have serious repercussions:  #1 Erosion of Trust:  It is import