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Top Ten Skills for Career Advancement

  #1 Communication Skills: Verbal Communication: Express yourself in a precise and orderly manner.  These are oral presentations, meetings, and even casual conversations one might have in their day-to-day lives.  Written Communication: Communicating well both orally and in writing such as in emails, reports, and presentations is important.  Proper English, its use and presentation is important.  #2 Adaptability: Embracing Change: You must embrace new ideas and change within the context of the workplace.  This entails changing with new technologies, methods of working, and positions at work.  Learning Agility: Learn new skills or new information at a very fast rate.  It is important that one should always remain curious and ever ready to learn.  #3 Problem-Solving: Critical Thinking: Solve issues by breaking them down rationally to determine the source of the issue.  This includes collection of information and discussion of the possible strategies.  Decision-Making: Decisions that will

Problem-Solving Skills: Approaches to Tackling Challenges

  #1 Define the Problem: Clarify the Issue: It is recommended that you begin by asking yourself what the problem is in the first place.  Explain it in descriptive language.  Understand the Scope: Find out the scope of the problem.  Is it a single problem or a part of problem complex?  Identify Stakeholders: Which population is at risk for this issue? Knowledge about the stakeholders can help in comprehending the effects of the problem and addressing it.  #2 Analyze the Problem: Gather Information: Gather information and facts that are associated with the problem.  This may comprise of past records, present statistics, and any other facts that may be deemed relevant.  Identify Root Causes: Always ensure that you avoid symptomatic treatment, come up with a cause-effect analysis by using tools such as the ‘5 Whys’ or the fishbone diagram.  Break Down the Problem: The problem must be broken down into sub-problems which are easier to solve.  This is useful in comprehending matters of a more

Negotiation Skills: Getting What You Want

  #1 Preparation: Research: Collect data about the other party, environment, and details of the negotiation subject.  Goals: Identify your goals and objectives, and know what is most important and what is non-negotiable.  BATNA: Identify your BATNA, or Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. It is a plus for one to know their alternatives in case the initial plan fails.  #2 Building Rapport: Connection: Undermine the adversarial relationship that is normally associated with the system to ensure a positive working relationship.  Active Listening: Affectionately listen to the other party’s point and be genuinely interested in it. This makes it possible to establish rapport and determine the hidden agendas.  #3 Communication: Clarity: Remember to argue your points coherently and to the point. Do not use terms which are unfamiliar to each other.  Non-Verbal Cues: It is also important to be aware of postures, gestures, eye contact, and the way of speaking because all these factors may a