
Showing posts with the label Writing

The Ultimate Guide to Writing: Writing tips: learn how to master the art of writing and create good content.

  Writing for the betterment of your work and to create better work involves knowing the basics of writing, learning and practicing different techniques, and committing to practice in order to improve your writing.  Here's an ultimate guide to help you enhance your writing abilities:  #1 Writing Basics: What You Need to Know: Grammar and Punctuation: Correct grammar is the foundation or a good writing.  Ensure that you use proper grammar, punctuations and make sure that the verbs used are in the correct tense.  Vocabulary: The enhanced usage of language entails the need to be able to use the right word in the right context or more emphatically put, richness of language enhances precise and creative thinking.  These can include reading several articles and writing down the new words found in a bid to increase the word bank.  Sentence Flow: Try to avoid succession of short sentences followed by a long one or vice versa because it disrupt the rhythm of writing.  Conduct transitions fr

How to Write a Novel: A Complete Reference Book

  #1 Develop a Concept: Find Your Idea: The first step is to identify a focus point, or the major idea that the map will revolve around. This could be a character, a setting or what happens in the story or a twist in the story.  Brainstorm: Use it for writing down ideas, scenarios, and themes. Some ideas call for mind mapping or free writing to help generate alternative ideas.  #2 Create an Outline: Plot Outline: Outline the basic story of your work with some of the main incidents and events. This could be a chapter by chapter outline or it could be a general outline of the whole book.  Character Profiles: Identify and describe the primary characters in your story and their relationships and goals.  #3 Set Goals and Schedule:  Writing Goals: It is recommended to set a daily or weekly goal of the number of words to be written in a particular book. For example, set the goal of writing 500 words a day.  Writing Schedule: Set particular periods of the day when you are going to write. Consi

A Beginner's Guide to Writing Fiction

  The first thing that you need to do when using the Getting Started feature is to select it from the main menu.  #1 Finding Inspiration: Read Widely: Watch movies from different genres to understand different styles and techniques used in movie making.  Observe the World: Take ideas from what is witnessed in day to day lives, from people and environment.  Keep a Journal: Take notes of ideas, things to consider, and overheard phrases.  #2 Developing Your Idea: Start Small: It is advisable to start with short stories or scenes to help in the development of the writing skills.  Outline Your Plot: State and chronology important actions and divide your story into the first, second, and third parts.  Create Characters: Create unique and well thought out back stories and traits for your characters to make them believable and authentic.  #3 Writing the First Draft: Set a Routine: Writing should be done at a specific time, it should be a routine.  Write Freely: Writing down the ideas is paramo

Top 10 Creative Writing Prompts

  Here are ten creative writing prompts to spark your imagination: #1 Time Capsule Discovery:  A character digs a time capsule from the future in the backyard of their home. What is in the box and how does it alter their lives?  #2 Alternate History:  The idea is to create a plot in which one of the significant events in history did not turn out the way it is described in history books. How does this alter the reality that is out there?  #3 Dream Diary:  A character begins to dream of events that appear to occur in the near future. What do they do with this new power?  #4 Lost in Translation:  Your character stumbles upon a letter that was written in a language that he/she has no idea about. The more they translate it the more obscure and profound the message gets.  #5 The Last Human:  The setting is a post-apocalyptic world and your character is convinced that he/she is the only living person on the face of the earth.  One day they come across the clue that there could be other people