
Showing posts with the label Life

Still You Have the Opportunity to Change

  The concept of having the chance to alter something or someone’s life is one of the most inspiring phrases that can be uttered to anybody.  Here are a few key points to consider if you're looking to make a change:  #1 Self-Reflection:  Spend some time and think about what you are doing right now and what aspects you would like to make better or different.  Knowledge is the first step to change, and identifying your drivers is the initial step towards creating the right change.  #2 Set Clear Goals:  Set realistic goals that you wish to achieve within that time frame.  This way you are always on track and you know how you are performing in relation to the goals that you set.  #3 Take Small Steps:  It is very important to note that change does not have to be instantaneous or immediate.  It is advisable to subdivide your goals into workable and achievable targets to ensure that one does not get discouraged when he or she does not meet the target at one time and also to enable the per

Can You Completely Change Your Life in 90 Days? Come and Try

  #1 Set Clear Goals:  A. Define Your Vision:  Reflect on Your Life: Take time and think about what areas of your life require change.  About your present status and the one you desire in other aspects of life including, job, heath, love, wealth and self development.  Create a Vision Statement: Describe in detail what your life would look like if you lead your perfect life.  This vision should be a vision that motivates you and should give you a clear idea of where you are heading.  B. Break It Down:  Identify Specific Goals: According to your vision, write the following on your goal map.  For instance, if your vision statement is improved health, a corresponding objective could be to shed 15 pounds.  Use the SMART Framework: Make sure each of them is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.  For example, instead of using the phrase “lose weight,” use “lose 10 pounds in one month” or instead of using “get fit,” use “do a 30 minutes workout at least 4 times a week. ” 

Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

  Here are the top 10 tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance: #1 Set Clear Boundaries: Define Work Hours: Set up a proper schedule to work and stick to it, this means there should be a specific time for being on duty and a specific time for going off duty.  Inform colleagues and clients of such hours to avoid setting the wrong expectations.  Stick to Boundaries: Avoid responding to work emails or attending work calls during such time as you are not supposed to be working.  It is suggested to keep work and personal life as separate as possible and therefore, maybe, one should use different devices or accounts for work-related tasks and personal ones.  #2 Prioritize Tasks: Create To-Do Lists: Write down the tasks in a planner or an organizational app in the sequence of their importance.  Start with the most critical activities to address to increase the chances of their completion.  Time Management Techniques: Use techniques such as the Eisenhower box to sort tasks into urgent

A Beginner's Guide to Sustainable Living

  Understanding Sustainable Living: Eco-friendly living is a concept of making decisions in the way that one lives that will not harm the environment and will instead help in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.  This ranges from energy usage, disposal systems, mobility, and diet among other issues in day to day life.  There are many principles in sustainable living and these are as follows:  #1 Energy Efficiency: Reduce Consumption: Switch off the lights when not needed and also disconnect appliances from the source of power when not in use. Fix energy efficient appliances and led bulbs.  Renewable Energy: Think about having solar panels put in or using a green energy supplier.  #2 Waste Reduction: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce packaging by purchasing items that are packed in minimal packaging, use items more than once and recycle.  Composting: Turn organic waste into compost to minimize the amount of waste going to the landfills and also avail a rich soil for gardening.  #3 Sus