
Showing posts with the label Books

The best Self-Improvement and Inspirational Books to Read

  Here is a list of some of the best books to read for personal growth and inspiration, along with a detailed explanation of each:  #1 The book under analysis is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: In this book, Small Changes, Big Differences I got to know how tiny activities can change one’s life.  Focusing on the principles that small steps can indeed make a huge difference Clear gives practical advice on how to create new beneficial habits and eliminate the undesirable ones.  #2 Z-affiliate Eckhart Tolle’s book titled ‘The Power of Now’: Hence, Tolle stressed on being in the present and not concerning oneself with what has been left in the past or the future.  Including the name Red Hawk, this spiritual guide describes to the reader how he or she can free from the mental prison and enjoy full and happy lives in the present.  #3 Covey’s ‘the 7 habits of highly effective people’: Covey’s book introduces key ideas of effectiveness dividing them into seven categories.  The habits relate to

Traditional Books vs. E-books: Pros and Cons of Reading Formats

  People love to read and with the advancement in technology, people have many choices of what to read.  Traditional books and e-books have their strengths and weaknesses.  Here are the specifics that will guide you in determining which format will be more to your liking and useful.  #1 Traditional Books:  Pros:  Tactile Experience:  Physical Sensation: Most of its readers like to have a book in their hands, to be able to flip through its pages, feel the smell of paper.  Bookmarks and Annotations: Can easily place the bookmarkers and even write some notes on the margins.  No Battery Required:  Always Ready: Printed books do not have batteries and thus they do not develop any issues when one wants to read for long without having to recharge the battery of the e-reader.  Collectible Value:  Personal Libraries: Books have a tangible feel; they can be accumulated, arranged and give a feeling of achievement.  Special Editions: It is common to have first editions or special prints because ma