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How to Prepare for a Job Interview – Step by Step Guide

  #1 Research the Company: Company Background: Understand the company’s background, its vision, and its corporate beliefs and principles, the organizational culture, the management, and significant events.  Products/Services: Identify what the company specializes in, the type of products or services that the company deals in, the market segment that the company operates in, and any new product/service that the company has introduced into the market.  Industry Position: With regard to the external environment, one should identify the competitors, market share, trends in the industry, and the company’s position in the industry.  Recent News: Read up on the latest information about the company including the latest accomplishment, merger, acquisition and other large scale projects.  #2 Understand the Job Description: Key Responsibilities: It is necessary to divide the main responsibilities of the position and determine what tasks are performed in this position daily.  Required Skills and Q