How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills


Public speaking is one of the most common and dreaded fears among people, but there are ways on how to be a better speaker. 

Basically, enhancing your public speaking skills will go a long way in improving your communication skills. 

Here are detailed strategies to help you develop these skills:

#1 Understand Your Audience: 


Know your audience and the interest they have in the topic, and their knowledge level of the issue. This assists in the targeting of the message that you wish to pass across to them. 

Tailor Your Message: 

Adapt your content and the language you use to the standards that your audience would expect and the ability of the audiences to understand the content that you are putting out there. 

#2 Prepare Thoroughly: 

Outline Your Speech:

Create a clear structure, This paper will have the following subtopics.

The introduction, The main ideas, and The conclusion, Make sure that there is a sequence to your speech. 


Rehearse multiple times. You can use a mirror or record yourself or even present in front of a friend or a family member. 

#3 Improve Your Content: 

Engaging Opening:

The best way to begin the speech is to come up with an attention grabber like a fact, a question or a brief story or an anecdote. 

Clear Main Points: 

Make sure that every point is clear and brief and backed up by evidence or illustrations. 

Do not use too many points to prevent the audience from getting bored by the time you complete addressing all of them. 

Compelling Conclusion: 

Conclude your speech by restating your major ideas and leave your listeners with a final, memorable statement or a call to action. 

#4 Develop Your Delivery: 

Body Language:

Stand straight, control your hands and use them to emphasize, look around the audience and move naturally to gain confidence. 

Voice Control:

In other words, do not speak in a monotonous tone for the entire time; switch up the tone of your voice as much as possible. 

This should not be a tiresome process; rather, the key areas should be stressed in order to avoid monotony. 

Pause for Effect: 

Pauses should be used to stress key points and also to allow the audience to digest the information that is being imparted. 

5 Use Visual Aids Effectively: 

Keep It Simple:

Handouts or objects such as slides, charts or props should be used to enhance the message being passed. Do not overcrowd your slides and make sure that everyone can easily grasp what is depicted on the presentation. 

Practice with Aids: 

Be familiar with the over-heads, flip-charts, power point displays etc. , and learn how to incorporate them in your presentation effectively.

#6 Manage Anxiety: 

Deep Breathing:

Take some time to do breathing exercises to reduce pre-speech anxiety and when delivering the speech. 

Positive Visualization: 

If you are preparing for a speech, try to picture yourself as giving a great speech to help you gain confidence. 

Focus on the Message:

Focus on the content you are offering to your audience and not the scare you have. 

#7 Engage with the Audience: 

Ask Questions:

Engage the audience by asking them questions or encouraging them to give an answer. 

This makes them alert and makes the presentation interesting because they are actively participating in it. 

Respond to Feedback: 

Watch the audience’s reaction and be ready to change the tone of your voice depending on the reception. 

#8 Seek Feedback and Reflect: 

Solicit Feedback: 

Request for feedback from other people, your tutors, or your audience so that you can discover what you need to change. 


For every speaking occasion, be sure to assess the strong points and areas of improvement needed for the next occasion. Jot down the information for future use. 

#9 Continue Learning and Practicing: 

Join a Group: 

Engage in speaking groups such as Toastmasters to speak frequently and get suggestions. 

Attend Workshops: 

Take a few classes or seminars in public speaking in order to acquire new skills and build up self-assurance. 

Read and Watch: 

Read books, articles, and watch videos on public speaking to get ideas from other people as well as get new ideas. 

As you make an effort to apply these strategies and find ways to practice, your public speaking skills will improve and you will become a more efficient speaker. 


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