20 facts about China


Here are 20 facts about China, showcasing its rich history, cultural depth, and modern advancements:

#1 World’s Most Populous Country: 

China’s population is over 1. 4 billion and is thus the most populous country in the world. 

This large population make a great impact in the world economy, political system, and social life since China is the most populous country in the world. 

#2 Oldest Continuous Civilization: 

China has one of the longest recorded histories of any country in the world, having 4,000 years of history. 

Traditional Chinese dynasties like the Shang and the Zhou dynasties can be considered as the initial core of the Chinese civilization. 

#3 The Great Wall of China: 

The Great Wall of China which took several centuries to be constructed is longer than 13,000 miles. 

It was mainly built with the purpose of defending against the invasion of northern nomadic tribes and is one of the greatest landmarks of China. 

#4 Mandarin: Language Which Is Spoken Most: 

Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China and it is the most used language in the world with over one billion people who speak it as their first language. 

It is also one of the six working languages of the United Nations. 

#5 Paper and Printing: 

The invention of paper can be dated back to China during the Han Dynasty and it was around 105 AD. 

The next invention that came up in the 7th century was the invention of the printing press which enhanced the spread of knowledge and literature across Asia and the rest of the world. 

#6 Terracotta Army:

The Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974 near Xi’an and is made up of thousands of life sized terracotta soldiers, horses and chariots. 

These were buried with the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang to defend him in the other world. 

#7 Chinese New Year: 

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. 

It is a time to welcome the New Year based on the lunar calendar and the celebration may go on for up to fifteen days and it is characterized by reunion of families, feasting, and other cultural activities such as performances. 

#8 Philosophy and Religion: 

The three concepts that have influenced the Chinese culture include Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. 

Confucianism is the ethics of relations between people, Taoism is the rule of harmonious existence, and Buddhism, which originated in India, is the way to salvation. 

#9 Silk Road: 

The Silk Road thus refers to a number of established caravan tracks for trade between China and the Mediterranean, through which various products and ideas were exchanged between the two worlds. 

Some items that were exchanged in this route include: silk, spices, tea, and ceramics. 

#10 Pandas are National Treasure:

Another animal endemic to China is the giant panda which is a symbol of the country. 

These large animals are mostly resident in the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces and are used to represent wildlife preservation. 

#11 The Forbidden City: 

The Forbidden City which is in Beijing was the palace for 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 

It is also the largest ancient palace complex in the world and it has more than nine thousand rooms. 

#12 Three Gorges Dam: 

The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River where the dam is built is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. 

It produces a large amount of power and at the same time is a representation of the engineering might of China. 

#13 World’s Second-Largest Economy:

China has evolved from an agricultural based economy to the second largest economy in the world only coming second to the United States of America. 

It has raised hundreds of millions out of poverty and turned China into one of the world’s economic superpowers in a very short time. 

#14 Chinese Cuisine: 

Chinese food is very rich and the recipe and style of cooking differ from one part of China to the other. 

Mirroring all of these styles are the Chinese food dishes that people from all corners of the globe cannot get enough of, from Sichuan hotpot to Cantonese dim sum. 

#15 Chinese Medicine: 

TCM is an ancient system of Chinese medical philosophy that works in the principles of treating the whole person and not only the symptoms. 

It involves techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and qigong and aims at regulating the flow of energy known as “qi” within the body. 

#16 China’s Space Program: 

China has rather quickly stepped up its game in the field of space exploration. 

It is one of only three countries to have independently sent a human into space, having done so in 2003. 

China has recently successfully put a rover on the dark side of the moon and aims to launch missions to Mars. 

#17 Buddhist Heritage: 

China also has some of the oldest and the greatest Buddhist monuments and relics such as the Leshan Giant Buddha, the largest stone sculpture of Buddha in the world and the Mogao Caves, collection of Buddhist art. 

#18 Largest High-Speed Rail Network: 

China has constructed the global biggest high-speed rail infrastructure, with over 37,900 km (23,500 mi) of track. 

The country’s bullet trains link its principal cities at speeds of up to 350 km/h (217 mph). 

#19 Confucius and Chinese Philosophy: 

Kong Qiu, or as popularly known as Confucius, was born in the year 551 BC as a Chinese philosopher, editor, political figure and teacher. 

His teachings were centered on ethics, individual and state, proper conduct in the society, fairness and honesty. 

#20 Environmental Challenges: 

China has a number of environmental issues because of industrialization that has taken over the nation. 

Environmental degradation by air and water pollution is a big issue, so the government has set high goals in the use of renewable energy and environmental conservation. 

These facts reveal the specifics of the Chinese state as a country with centuries-long history, a long list of cultural values, and an active position in the contemporary world.


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