
Showing posts with the label Resources

The Future of Energy: Renewable Energy Sources and the Transition to Sustainability

As energy sources are being changed by countries and industries towards the use of renewable sources, the future of energy is fast changing.  This shift is ruled by the challenge of climate change, the urgency to decrease dependence on the carbon-emitting fossil resources, and the vision of the post-carbon energy system. #1 Key Renewable Energy Sources: Solar Power: Solar Energy is on the list of the most rapidly advancing and promising renewable energy sources.  It has never been cheaper since the growth of technology and can be afforded either in bulk or for the households.  There are more and more operating solar farms and homeowners installing solar panels on rooftops of their houses. Wind Energy: Another nicotine vigorous energy source it onshore and offshore wind energy.  Of them, offshore wind farm, in particular, possesses good energy resources due to faster and more standard wind. Hydropower: New applications like small scale hydro and pumped storage is increasing the use of h