Negotiation Skills: Getting What You Want


#1 Preparation:

Research: Collect data about the other party, environment, and details of the negotiation subject. 

Goals: Identify your goals and objectives, and know what is most important and what is non-negotiable. 

BATNA: Identify your BATNA, or Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. It is a plus for one to know their alternatives in case the initial plan fails. 

#2 Building Rapport:

Connection: Undermine the adversarial relationship that is normally associated with the system to ensure a positive working relationship. 

Active Listening: Affectionately listen to the other party’s point and be genuinely interested in it. This makes it possible to establish rapport and determine the hidden agendas. 

#3 Communication:

Clarity: Remember to argue your points coherently and to the point. Do not use terms which are unfamiliar to each other. 

Non-Verbal Cues: It is also important to be aware of postures, gestures, eye contact, and the way of speaking because all these factors may affect perceptions. 

#4 Persuasion Techniques:

Logical Argument: Argue your case backed up by facts and figures. Statistics and numbers can be rather convincing. 

Emotional Appeal: Make use of feelings in order to reach the essence of people. It is possible to agree on something if there is empathy and understanding. 

#5 Problem-Solving Approach:

Win-Win Mindset: As much as possible look for mutually acceptable outcomes. This creates loyalty and repeat business among the clients and customers. 

Creativity: Be creative when developing strategies that will benefit both the buyer and the seller. 

#6 Concessions and Compromises:

Prioritize: Understand which of the points in discussion are flexible and which are fixed. 

Trade-offs: Make compromises that are costly to you but imply much to the counterpart. 

#7 Closing the Deal:

Summarize: Summarize the discussed points to confirm that all the parties have understood and agreed to the points. 

Confirm: Ensure that you get a written agreement so that you can actualize the deal and avoid misunderstandings. 

#8 Post-Negotiation Review:

Evaluate: Analyze the negotiation process and the results. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. 

Feedback: Gather feedback from the other party in case you have to negotiate with him/her in the future.

Effective negotiation requires thorough preparation, clear communication, and a collaborative approach. 

By understanding both your needs and those of the other party, using persuasive techniques, and being willing to make strategic concessions, you can achieve favorable outcomes and build strong, lasting relationships.


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