How to Write a Novel: A Complete Reference Book


#1 Develop a Concept:

Find Your Idea: The first step is to identify a focus point, or the major idea that the map will revolve around. This could be a character, a setting or what happens in the story or a twist in the story. 

Brainstorm: Use it for writing down ideas, scenarios, and themes. Some ideas call for mind mapping or free writing to help generate alternative ideas. 

#2 Create an Outline:

Plot Outline: Outline the basic story of your work with some of the main incidents and events. This could be a chapter by chapter outline or it could be a general outline of the whole book. 

Character Profiles: Identify and describe the primary characters in your story and their relationships and goals. 

#3 Set Goals and Schedule: 

Writing Goals: It is recommended to set a daily or weekly goal of the number of words to be written in a particular book. For example, set the goal of writing 500 words a day. 

Writing Schedule: Set particular periods of the day when you are going to write. Consistency proves to be useful in ensuring that there is continuity in the progress of the set goals. 

#4 Start Writing:

First Draft: Start drafting your novel following the outline that you have come up with. It does not matter if the ideas are not well developed at this stage; the main point is to put the ideas down on paper. 

Write Freely: Do not restrain yourself and do not hold back, it is an exercise in free writing. The aim is to spread the story. 

#5 Revise and Edit: 

Revisions: In the second step, revise your work for the structure, pace, and the characters’ growth. Search for gaps in a plot and their contradictions. 

Editing: Emphasize on the syntax, spelling and punctuation. It is recommended to use such applications as Grammarly or Hemingway to get help. 

#6 Seek Feedback:

Beta Readers: Ask your manuscript to beta readers who can help you with the necessary corrections. 

Writing Groups: It is also important to join writing groups or workshops in order to get more feedbacks and assistance. 

#7 Polish Your Manuscript:

Final Revisions: Revise the manuscript and apply the corrections given by the editors or your instructor. 

Proofreading: The last step is to proofread the text in order to eliminate all of the mistakes that have not been identified yet. 

#8 Prepare for Publication: 

Self-Publishing: There are a number of self-publishing services out there such as Amazon KDP or any other online self-publishing services. 

Traditional Publishing: Find information on literary agents or publishers. To them, prepare a query letter and synopsis which you will send to them. 

#9 Market Your Novel: 

Author Platform: Establish an online platform in a website, blog or social media account. 

Book Promotion: Maximize on the book promotion techniques such as book launch, book give away, and book signing events. 

#10 Keep Writing:

Continue Improving: Writing a novel is a learning process. Continue developing your skills and working on new projects.

Stay Persistent: Success often comes with perseverance. Keep writing and refining your craft.

Writing a novel is a complex but rewarding process that involves developing a compelling concept, creating a structured outline, and diligently working through drafts and revisions. 

By setting clear goals, seeking feedback, and preparing for publication, you can bring your novel to fruition. 

Embrace the journey, stay persistent, and continue refining your skills for future writing endeavors.


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