How to Break Bad Habits


It is not easy to change, especially when it comes to such things as habits but it is not impossible at all. 

Here is a detailed guide to help you break bad habits effectively: 

#1 First of all, it is necessary to define the habit in question and its prompts: 

Awareness: The first step is to define the habit that is to be changed and to understand why this habit was formed. 

Identify the circumstances and reasons when and why the habit is performed. 

Triggers: Determine what sets off the specific habit that one is trying to break. 

These could be environmental stimuli, mood, or times of the day. 

#2 Set Clear Goals: 

Define Success: It is important to know what success means to you in black and white. 

This could be in the form of, cutting down the instances of practicing the habit or completely stopping. 

SMART Goals: Ensure that your goals meet the SMART criteria which include, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. 

For instance, “Smoking will be cut down from 10 to 5 cigarettes a day within the next one month. ” 

#3 Understand the Habit Loop:

Cue-Routine-Reward: The habit loop is made up of cue, routine, and reward. 

Determine what the reward for the habit is and then look for a healthier way to get the same reward. 

#4 Eradicate the Habit with a Positive One: 

Substitute Habits: As a rule, one should try to find a positive habit and replace the bad one with it. 

For instance, if stress results in smoking, then it is advisable that one should go for a walk or do some breathing exercises. 

#5 Change Your Environment: 

Modify Triggers: Minimize contact with the factors that cause discomfort. 

If you have the habit of taking junk food when watching TV, then make sure to have healthy foods around or alter the way you watch TV. 

#6 Develop a Plan:

Action Plan: Develop a step by step plan on how you will quit the habit. 

Be sure to incorporate procedures for dealing with obstacles and difficulties. 

Accountability: Let your friend or family member know about your plan as they can encourage and help you to stick to it. 

#7 Track Your Progress: 

Journaling: Make a diary to record your experience and record any difficulties you may encounter or achievements made. 

This can be useful for you in terms of recognizing trends and keeping up your morale. 

Apps: Make use of applications that track the progress and give notifications about the habits that have to be followed.

#8 Practice Self-Compassion: 

Be Patient: Remember that it will take time and efforts to change a habit. 

Do not get frustrated with yourself and aware that any mistake is part of the process of learning. 

Self-Compassion: Engage in self-care and appreciate the effort you are putting into the process and any progress that has been made. 

#9 Utilize Mindfulness Techniques: 

Mindfulness: Be assertive to be in a better position to know when you are being offended. 

This can assist you in breaking the cycle and making decision intentionally. 

Meditation: Meditation or deep breathing should be included to help in reducing stress and also to enhance self control. 

#10 Seek Professional Help: 

Therapy: If you experience some complications in trying to quit the habit, it is advisable to consult a therapist or counselor. 

They can give extra help and ideas. 

Support Groups: Participate in support groups where you can discuss with other people and get advices from those having the same problems. 

#11 Reward Your Progress: 

Positive Reinforcement: Remember to always take time to celebrate each win no matter how small. 

This can help remind you of the right conduct and encourage you to go on. 

Overcoming bad habits is possible only when one is ready to spend time and effort on it, be aware of the problem, and be persistent. 

Thus, learning the reasons behind your habits and using the above-mentioned approaches, you can easily substitute the unwanted behaviors with the beneficial ones and become a happy and healthy person. 

It is important to note that change is a slow process and any progress made is progress towards a better you. 


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