Don't make a promise that you can't keep


The Importance of Keeping Promises: Why ‘Don’t Make a Promise You Can’t Keep’ Is Important 

Trust is one of the key components of any relationship that may occur with or without the working environment. 

Promises are one of the most basic forms of trust that can be made and kept in any relationship. 

This principle is well captured by the saying “don’t make a promise if you cannot fulfill it”, this emphasizes on the implication of not being able to honor a given commitment. 

The Value of Promises:

A promise is not just an assurance or a statement, but it means that one is willing to do something or provide something as per the assurance given. 

In this case, when we promise, we are in fact telling a person that we care for them and want them to trust us and our words. 

This can be especially so in matters of relationships which can be of different types such as personal, business or social. 

Failing to keep a promise can have serious repercussions: 

#1 Erosion of Trust: 

It is important to know that trust is something that is very hard to come by but very easy to be let go. 

If promises are not fulfilled, then that is the signal that people will not be able to trust again when they are needed. 

#2 Damaged Relationships: 

In interpersonal relationships, people may fail to deliver on their words and this may lead to feelings of let down which in turn may result in a breakdown of the relationship. 

When it comes to business and career, disappointments are not well received and can cause problems between people. 

#3 Increased Stress: 

Promises are made and therefore when they are broken, it generates more stress to the person who made the promise as well as the one who relied on the promise. 

The fear of failing to deliver can result in other issues and stress. 

How to Avoid Making Unkeepable Promises: 

#1 Be Realistic: 

Before you make a promise make sure that you will be able to fulfill that promise. 

Take into account your current responsibilities, your available means and any possible challenges. 

Realism is also very important especially when setting goals and planning for the future. 

#2 Communicate Clearly: 

It is important that promises are made accurately and in full detail. It is easy for one party to give lip service only to have the other party feel let down later on. 

#3 Set Appropriate Expectations: 

If you doubt your capacity to deliver on a promise, it is advisable to give a different promise or lower it or provide other options instead of giving a firm promise. 

#4 Follow Up and Update: 

If indeed the situation changes and one is in a position to fail in fulfilling a promise, the most appropriate thing to do is to inform the affected party. 

To reduce the change’s effect, it is crucial to offer updates and modify expectations. 

Promises that are made must be promises that will be kept is a principle that must be followed in order to maintain the integrity of relationships. 

If one is realistic, clear and communicative in ones promises then it is possible to be loyal in a way that will enhance the reliability of the relationship. 

Do not forget that people’s trust is valuable, and the key to long-lasting relationships is in the successful implementation of the agreed-upon actions.


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