
The richest country in Africa

  Nigeria is usually recognized as the richest country in Africa in the total GDP, which means the total value on its produce.  Here’s a deeper dive into why Nigeria holds this position: Why Nigeria is the Richest in Terms of GDP: #1 Oil and Gas Production: Nigeria is the biggest oil producer in Africa, and constitute one of the 10 largest exporters of oil in the globe.  Oil accounts for approximately 85 per cent of the government income and about a third of the total export income in the country. Crude oil and natural gas resources, these are predominantly found in the Niger Delta region, play the largest roles in the size of its GDP which is over $500 billion USD. #2 Large Population: Nigeria population is 230 million, making it the most populous nation in African continent.  Dominance over home market means that a large population can indeed support domestic demand, spending, let alone growth. The population makes a huge supply of human resource despite exerting stress to infrastruc

The Ultimate Guide to Writing: Writing tips: learn how to master the art of writing and create good content.

  Writing for the betterment of your work and to create better work involves knowing the basics of writing, learning and practicing different techniques, and committing to practice in order to improve your writing.  Here's an ultimate guide to help you enhance your writing abilities:  #1 Writing Basics: What You Need to Know: Grammar and Punctuation: Correct grammar is the foundation or a good writing.  Ensure that you use proper grammar, punctuations and make sure that the verbs used are in the correct tense.  Vocabulary: The enhanced usage of language entails the need to be able to use the right word in the right context or more emphatically put, richness of language enhances precise and creative thinking.  These can include reading several articles and writing down the new words found in a bid to increase the word bank.  Sentence Flow: Try to avoid succession of short sentences followed by a long one or vice versa because it disrupt the rhythm of writing.  Conduct transitions fr

The Best Tools for Digital Marketers: Marketing automation guide

  Digital marketing has come of age and it is important to use the right tools in order to automate and manage them.  Here's a detailed guide to some of the best tools for digital marketers, focusing on marketing automation:  #1 HubSpot:  Overview: HubSpot has a complete package of tools for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service.  It is easy to use and can automate a lot of processes, which make it ideal for large organizations.  Key Features:  Email marketing automation  Lead nurturing and scoring  CRM integration  Social media scheduling  Analytics and reporting  Why It’s Useful: HubSpot is very useful to business organizations that want to integrate all their marketing functions in one place to help them handle client relations and analyze the effectiveness of promotions.  #2 Mailchimp:  Overview: Originally an email marketing software, Mailchimp has evolved into a marketing automation software ideal for SMBs.  Key Features:  Email marketing and automation  Audience seg

10 Creative and Simple Games to Play with Friends and Family

  Here are ten fun and easy games that you can enjoy with friends and family:  #1 Charades:  How to Play: A person mimics a word or a phrase and the rest of the participants have to guess what the word or the phrase is.  Whoever comes up with the correct answer has to perform the next word.  Why It's Fun: Charades is always fun, as it will get everyone laughing because of the poor mimicry in the attempt at miming.  #2 Pictionary:  How to Play: Players draw a word or a phrase and their fellow team members are supposed to guess what the drawing is.  The team with the most numbers of correct answers is the winner.  Why It's Fun: It promotes problem solving and time constrains, some of the drawings may lead to hilarious guesses.  #3 Card games (e. g. , Monopoly, Scrabble, Settlers of Catan):  How to Play: Games are of various types and they all are played with some or the other rules which may include strategic moves, chance and social element.  Why It's Fun: Another option tha

The History of Art: The transition from the earliest manifestations of art, that is, cave paintings to the contemporary art.

  Art history is a vast subject and has its roots in prehistoric eras and has evolved with human civilization.  Starting from the prehistoric paintings to the modern art, the history of art is quite an interesting study of how art forms have evolved and how the people have used them in their day to day life to convey stories and feelings.  Here's an overview of the major periods and movements in the history of art:  #1 Paleolithic Art (c. 40,000–4,000 BCE):  Cave Paintings: The first signs of art are represented by the paintings that were discovered in the caves of Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain.  Some of the famous paintings that were discovered are estimated to be at least 40,000 years old and include animals and human representations which are believed to be mystical in nature.  Sculpture: Figurines such as the Venus of Willendorf (c. 28,000 – 25,000 BCE) are some of the earliest sculptures that depict fertility and human body.  #2 Prehistoric art (3000 BCE – 500 CE): 

10 Easy Practices those are Good for Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

  Correcting your mental health is crucial in enabling you to live a balanced life and, therefore, healthy life.  Here are ten simple habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to boost your mental health:  #1 Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: How it Helps: Mindfulness and meditation have been said to help in managing stress and improving self-awareness and therefore emotional control.  It cannot be denied that a few minutes away from all the noise and hustle and bustle can actually do wonders.  How to Start: Start with meditation apps or make sure you pay attention to your breath for a least five minutes every day.  #2 Get Regular Exercise: How it Helps: Physical activity on its own benefit on the body and the precondition of releasing the natural feel good hormones known as endorphins.  Taking a daily walk means that people can decrease the chances of having depression and anxiety.  How to Start: You should try to move at least 30 minutes in walking or cycling and such oth

The Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning: Spend Less Time and Money on Groceries

  Meal planning is one of the best ways of minimizing the amount of time spent preparing meals, cases of food wastage and most importantly, the amount spent on purchasing foods.  Meal planning helps in making the right decisions on what food to buy, prepping for your meals and saving on time that could be used to prepare food in a hurry.  Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started with meal planning:  #1 Set Your Goals:  Define Your Objectives: Why are you interested in meal planning, to eat less, or to spend less money, or do you want to eat more nutritious meals, or do you want to avoid cooking during working days?  Knowing your goals will help you in choosing the direction to take.  Consider Dietary Needs: Also consider any special diets or requirements including weight loss, muscle gain, or existing health issues.  #2 Do an audit of what you have in your pantry and fridge:  Check What You Have: First of all, open your pantry, fridge and freezer and see what ingredients yo