10 Easy Practices those are Good for Your Mental Health and Wellbeing


Correcting your mental health is crucial in enabling you to live a balanced life and, therefore, healthy life. 

Here are ten simple habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to boost your mental health: 

#1 Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:

How it Helps: Mindfulness and meditation have been said to help in managing stress and improving self-awareness and therefore emotional control. 

It cannot be denied that a few minutes away from all the noise and hustle and bustle can actually do wonders. 

How to Start: Start with meditation apps or make sure you pay attention to your breath for a least five minutes every day. 

#2 Get Regular Exercise:

How it Helps: Physical activity on its own benefit on the body and the precondition of releasing the natural feel good hormones known as endorphins. 

Taking a daily walk means that people can decrease the chances of having depression and anxiety. 

How to Start: You should try to move at least 30 minutes in walking or cycling and such other moderate activities, five times a week. 

#3 Maintain a Healthy Diet:

How it Helps: Reporting ones diet to comprise fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, and lean meats enables one’s brain to be fed an array of substances it requires to function properly. 

How to Start: Increase the consumption of newer foods in the meals in your house and limit the use of foods rich in sugary products and foods that are processed. 

#4 Get Enough Sleep:

How it Helps: Sleep is required in order to have proper functionality of the brain, emotional stability and overall wellbeing. 

If they fail to get adequate sleep then they are likely to have mood swings and increased stress. 

How to Start: It is recommended that you should sleep for 7 to 9 hours sound night sleep. 

Maintain a optimum sleep schedule and ensure you practice good night sleep hygiene. 

#5 Connect with Others: 

How it Helps: People are social beings and this entails that they need social relations in order to enjoy good mental health. 

Sometimes it might be helpful to be friends or have family or other support groups one can relate with on regular basis. 

How to Start: More often socialize with friends or other relatives, join a group or association, or participate in any activity of the community. 

#6 Practice Gratitude:

How it Helps: Being grateful helps raise people’s spirits and change their attitude toward the better. 

Expressing thankfulness can buffer against the ill effects of envy, and benefit interpersonal bonds and subjective well-being. 

How to Start: Try writing things you are grateful for in a small notebook, you have to come up with three things every day. 

#7 Limit Screen Time and Social Media Use:

How it Helps: It can result in negatives such as anxiety, symptoms of depression, and feeling of inferiority most especially when the user spends a lot of time scrolling on social media. 

It has been derived that cutting down the usage of screens can prove beneficial for the ability to concentrate and for the reduction of stress. 

How to Start: Make restrictions on usage of gadgets especially at night and also try to be off social networks from time to time. 

#8 Take up a sport or a creative past time or do part time job: 

How it Helps: People should have hobbies or creative pursuits because it affords one a sense of accomplishment and relieves stress as well as improves mood. 

How to Start: Allow yourself to engage in hobbies and interests each week, this may include painting, writing, gardening, or music. 

#9 Practice Self-Compassion:

How it Helps: General self-compassion within the difficult situations can help to prevent the escalation of the levels of self-criticism and, thus enhance the level of resiliency. 

It heals the self and leads to less anxiety as one learns to be more tolerant to oneself. 

How to Start: I were to give a friend suggestion or advice on how they should treat themselves I would tell them to treat themselves kindly. 

Accept that you have them and that is okay not to be perfect all the time. 

#10 Draw Lines and Reflect On the Word ‘No’: 

How it Helps: Boundaries can help save your mental state and decrease stress levels because you won’t allow yourself to overwork and become exhausted. 

In my opinion, one of the things that people should learn how to do is say no since it is useful in preventing you from making more commitments than you can handle. 

How to Start: Find out those areas that always expose you to pressure and set your limit. Don’t feel ashamed for saying no when it’s time to do so, and always remember that self-care is important. 

Including these habits will greatly contribute to worthy changes in ones mental health and wellbeing. 

One should take baby steps in order to bring in these habits into their lifestyles in order to lead a healthier and happier life. 


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