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Finance Overview: Key Concepts and Terms

  Finance is the study of money management, investments, and financial systems.  It involves the processes of acquiring, investing, and using funds to achieve economic objectives.  Understanding the basic concepts and terminology in finance is essential for making informed financial decisions.  Here’s an introduction to key concepts and terms in finance: #1 Fundamental Principles of Finance: Money: Anything that is widely accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and services.  It is a store of value, a unit of account, and a means of deferred payment. Investment: Investment involves the reallocation of financial capital to new asset, enterprise, or project with the expectation to earn some future income or profit. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI serves as an indicator of the profitability associated with an investment, determined by subtracting the investment cost from the gains generated by the investment and subsequently dividing this figure by the initial investment cost. Risk: Ri