
Showing posts with the label Revolutions

The Industrial Revolution: Transforming Society

  Industrial Revolution was a technologic, economist and social process started at the end of 18th century in Great Britain and rapidly spread throughout Europe and in several other countries of the world.  It signified the shift from agricultural base in which goods were made by hand to industrial base in which goods were produced mechanically in factories.  This change impacted various sectors of society in assuring that the contemporary world took shape it has now. Technological Advancements: #1 Mechanization and Inventions:  More advanced technology like the spinning jenny, the power loom as well as the steam engine transformed industries like textile and manufacturing.  These innovation brought efficiency in a way that more goods could be produced and in a cheaper way to boot. #2 Steam Power:  By the later half of the eighteen century people like James Watt developed the steam engine that offered a steady supply of power to factories, mines, and transport.  It was useful in the ex