Literature: The Ultimate Guide to Books and Authors
Literature represents a broad, wonder-filled world of centuries, continents, and genres-a window into the human condition and into the magic of storytelling. Whether one is an avid reader or a curious newcomer, this guide takes one through the process necessary to explore and understand literature, which includes how to find new books, understand key authors, and engage with texts more deeply. #1 Know the Major Genres of Literature: Conventionally, literature has been divided into a few broad genres, each of which might be identifiable by characteristics, styles, and conventions common to that genre. Fiction: Realistic Fiction: Stories showing real characters, settings, and situations. A more familiar genre in modern novels, it tries to reflect real life. Science Fiction: Speculative and imaginative, usually related to futuristic or technological matters. Key authors include Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick. Fantasy: This includes magical or supernatural things. Often, it will ta