10 Creative Ways to Spend a Weekend: Group/Groove Activities


It is always good to spend a weekend in a creative way as a way of resting, having fun and creating new things. 

Here are ten creative ways to spend a weekend with activities that cater to a variety of interests and preferences: 

#1 Outdoor Adventure:

Hiking or Camping: Go hiking and visit a nearby trail or a national park. 

Hike and explore the beauty of the outdoors all day, or camp with friends and/or family for an overnight experience. 

Beach or Lake Day: Go for a swim at a nearby beach or lake and spend time sun tanning, or participate in water activities such as kayaking or paddle boarding. 

#2 Culinary Exploration:

Cooking Challenge: Cook something that you have never cooked before, pick a cuisine or dish that you have never attempted to make before and do a cooking challenge at home. 

Suggest friends to join and have a mini party with food. 

Local Food Tour: Spend the day going to farmers’ markets, food fests or to new eating places near your home. 

#3 Creative Arts and Crafts:

Art Project: Spend some time on a painting, drawing or a sculpture. Get some friends and go for a group art making session or go for a local art class session. 

DIY Crafting: Select a craft that requires one to make something from scratch like making candles, making a scrapbook, or designing jewelry among others. 

#4 Cultural Experiences:

Visit Museums or Galleries: Go to local museum or art gallery or visit some historical place of interest. Often there are days when the admission is free of charge or significantly cheaper. 

Theater or Concert: Go to a theater play, a live music concert or any local music event of your choice. Scour community boards for free or inexpensive events. 

#5 Wellness Retreat:

Yoga or Meditation: Schedule a yoga, meditation, and relaxation day for the body and the mind. 

Make your home look like a spa by lighting candles and playing your favorite music. 

Nature Walk: Go for a mindful stroll in a local park or nature conservation area and pay attention to the things that you can see and hear. 

#6 Tech-Free Day:

Digital Detox: Take a day off for technology, no screens. 

Read a book, write in a diary, play board games with the family or invite friends over. 

Puzzle or Game Night: Get your favorite puzzles or board games ready to play for the night and participate in friendly competition. 

#7 Volunteer Work:

Community Service: Volunteer at a shelter, food bank or community garden for the weekend. 

It is a fulfilling way of volunteering as well as being able to make some new friends. 

Charity Event: Volunteer to or coordinate a charity walk, run or event for a cause close to your heart. 

#8 Fitness Challenge:

Sports Day: Spend a day of fun with friends or relatives in playing football, basketball or tennis among other games. 

Fitness Class: Go for a spin, Zumba or martial arts class to help jump start your body and get it ready to work out. 

#9 Road Trip:

Explore Nearby Towns: Go for an impromptu drive to the neighboring towns or any other interesting places. 

Find some unknown places, beautiful views and interesting restaurants on the way. 

Scenic Drive: Rent a car and go for a drive around the country side or along the coast and take photographs while having your snacks. 

#10 Gardening and Nature:

Gardening Project: Take care of your garden or start a new gardening project, for instance, planting a new vegetable garden or a flower garden. 

Bird Watching: Take a walk in the nearest park or a nature reserve in order to watch birds. 

Take a pair of binoculars and a guide book in order to know about various types of birds. 

The following activities are useful for low-stress, time-passing, and enjoyment over the weekend depending on your nature of an active, creative or a relaxed person. 

Whatsoever it is, the most important thing is to have a good time while implementing the time spent on oneself or with the loved ones.


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