The Best Tips for Parenting: Becoming role models to your children


Praising happy and healthy kids is among the biggest challenges that parents face in their lives. 

Here are some of the best tips to help you guide your child’s development:

#1 Be a Role Model:

Why It Matters: If a child wants to do it he will follow the instruction of his parents. 

There are few things more persuasive to your kids than to seeing you as a good model to emulate.

How to Do It: Show the behaviors you would like your child to emulate for example, being kind, telling the truth and not to quit easily. 

Teach them ways of addressing stress, communication and problem solving.

#2 Provide Consistent Boundaries and Discipline:

Why It Matters: Organization and obedience instill in children responsibility, courtesy and self-restraint.

How to Do It: Setting clear behavioral boundaries, stick to them and punish violations frequently and dramatically. 

To avoid engineer a situation that may lead to stubbornness be fair but firm with your child and instead of using punitive measures use positive methods such as time out or lack of privileges.

#3 Encourage Open Communication:

Why It Matters: When children receive the message that they can turn to their parents for talks it makes them feel secure.

How to Do It: Just wait, and listen for the things they have to say without pre-judging the information they provide. 

Take your time to ask them daily about what they are feeling, thinking, or experiencing.

#4 Emotional intelligence:

Why It Matters: EI is used by children to understand their feelings hence enabling them improve on their social relations and mental human being.

How to Do It: Make them learn how to understand what they feel, and learn how to cope with these feelings effectively. 

Promote the culture by reminding them how things conduct affect those of others in the environment.

#5 Healthy Eating and physical activity:

Why It Matters: The best thing any child can be given directly or translated is good food and daily exercise.

How to Do It: Prepare healthy meals that include fruits, vegetables in parts of the meals, whole grains and lean meat. 

Explain how much time per day should be spent watching TV, playing video games or using a computer, and suggest going out for a ride or playing sports.

6. Cultivate a Love for Learning:

Why It Matters: The positive attitude to learning prepares children for schoo and a curious stance.

How to Do It: Always read to your child, encourage him/her’s choices, and buy toys and games that promote learning. 

It’s advisable to encourage them for their performance/efforts as well as accomplishments.

#7 Encourage Each One of Them:

Why It Matters: All children are different and when they are encouraged to develop skills they have they feel good about themselves.

How to Do It: They need guidance on how to achieve excellence in their favorite subjects, games, art, music, or theater, etc.

#8 Foster Independence:

Why It Matters: While you need to allow children to problem solve and provided opportunities to make choices this leads to self reliance.

How to Do It: Each day you should let him take more of the household responsibilities for himself or decide what he wants to do with his free time. 

Teach them but do not fix all of their issues for them.

#9 Spend Quality Time Together:

Why It Matters: This fosters development and construction of the parent child relationship while making lasting Memoriam.

How to Do It: Spend time with your child involved in such things he or she may like; playing games, preparing food or just talking. 

The family should engage in practices such as meals, weekend or any time outings.

#10 Teach to be grateful and generous:

Why It Matters: Children who receive gratitude messages seem to have higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

How to Do It: As a way of helping them they should be encouraged to offer appreciation as often as they can through writing personal appreciation notes or recall the positive things in their lives. 

Make them emulate you in charitable gestures and ensure that you take them through charitable processes.

#11 Stay Positive in the Home:

Why It Matters: Family environment enhances the feelings of safety, security and self comfort.

How to Do It: Be loving, solve sulks and tantrums in kids, and structure learning in such a way that students feel comfortable and are sure they’ll be alright.

#12 Be Patient and Flexible:

Why It Matters: All forms of child rearing are not easy and patience is very important especially when dealing with children.

How to Do It: Admit that everyone makes errors, not only you, but your children too. 

He/she should be flexible to the circumstances and slow to anger or lose temper especially during highly stressful periods.

Thus, following these tips you will create conditions to help your child grow and develop into a well-adjusted and happy individual.


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